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Hochkönig card

The Hochkönig card

We are a Hochkönig card partner, and when you stay at Haus Schneeberg, you will receive a free Hochkönig card for the whole family.

Many people ask if you can buy the Hochkönig card separately if your accommodation does not provide it.  The answer to this is no, the accommodation partners pay for every single guest that stays with them in order for all guests to receive this card at that property, so make sure you choose accommodation that is a Hochkönig card partner!   

There are many benefits of the Hochkönig card:

In summer:

Hochkoenig card
Bike transport on the mountain lifts, Hochkoeing

In winter:

Hiking bus in the Hochkoenig
Horse Drawn sleigh ride

For more information on the benefits see our blog here, and for more information about the discounts etc see the  Hochkönig website click here